A library to provide an easy-to-implement but customizable video player on desktops with support for fullscreen on tablets/phones.
The library comes as an npm package:
npm install vplayer --save
Including the correct files
Include the script on your page (adjusting the link path as necessary)
<script src="node_modules/vplayer/vplayer.js"></script>
Include the vplayer stylesheet (again, exact path may vary)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/vplayer/style.css">
Ways of using vPlayer
One video on a page
Include the following html on your page
<a class="vplayer-popup" href="#">
Launch video player!
<div id="vplayer-overlay"> </div>
<div id="vplayer-modal">
<a id="vplayer-close-btn" href="#"></a>
<video id="vplayer-video"></video>
<video controls id="vplayer-video-mobile">
<source src="folder_to_video/video_path.mp4">
If you want to have multiple vplayer activation links on a page, you just need to add another anchor tag with the class vplayer-popup
<a class="vplayer-popup">
Open the video
You then need to initialize vplayer on page load using the following
The parameter to the setup method is whether there are multiple videos
Multiple videos on a page
<a class="vplayer-popup" data-video-link="video-1.mp4" href="#">
Launch video player!
<div id="vplayer-overlay"> </div>
<div id="vplayer-modal">
<a id="vplayer-close-btn" href="#"></a>
<video id="vplayer-video"></video>
<video controls id="vplayer-video-mobile">
<a class="vplayer-popup" data-video-link="video-2.mp4" href="#">
Launch video 2
You then need to initialize vplayer on page load using the following
There are some methods which can customize VPlayer
// how long for the modal to take to increase
// the initial width and height of the modal
.setInitialSize(initial_width, initial_height) // (px, px)
// how much side padding so that the VPlayer doesn't sit right on the edge of the screen
.setPadding(horizontal_padding, vertical_padding) // (px, px)
// Methods can also be chained like so
VPlayer.setup().setTransitionTime(800).setInitialSize(200, 150).setPadding(30, 40);
See issues, general feature improvements also welcome!