Vue 3 Linkify
Vue 3 directive to turn URL and emails into anchor tag that use Linkify.js.
npm install --save vue-3-linkify
yarn add vue-3-linkify
Recommended to use npm or yarn to install.
Register plugin
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import Vue3linkify from "vue-3-linkify";
const app = createApp(App);
Use directive
<div v-linkify>
Use directive with options
<div v-linkify:options="{
target: '_blank',
You can use the linkify options.
Add event listener
<div v-linkify:options="{
target: '_blank',
attributes: {
onclick: 'event.stopPropagation()',
Unfortunately, the events option is not supported in linkify.js. But you can add event listeners to attributes options manually.