The picker component based on vue.js
npm install vue-3d-picker --save
import picker from 'vue-3d-picker';
Register component:
Vue.component(picker.name, picker);
Base Usage
<picker v-model="visible" :data-items="items" @change="onValuesChange"> <div class="top-content" slot="top-content">Top of the content.</div> <div class="bottom-content" slot="bottom-content">Bottom of the content.</div></picker>
export default { methods: { onValuesChange(result1, result2, ... ) { console.log(result1, result2) } }, data() { return { visible: true, items: [ { values: ['2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007'], }, { values: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'], } ] } }}
Picker Options:
Option | Description |
v-model | Boolean(default: false) Picker show and hide. |
:data-items | Array(default: []) The configuration on the items. |
@change | Function() Listening when data changes. |
Picker Items Options:
Option | Description | Type | Default |
index | item default index position. | Number | 0 |
values | values of this item. | Array | [] |
width | The width of the item. The unit is %. | String | 'flex' |
name | If values is an object. set the displayed key. | String | 'value' |
maxScrollValue | The maximum value for scrolling. | Number | values.length |
npm install npm run dev
Need postcss-salad support