Vue.js plugin for route preflight actions.
1. Install plugin
;...const vueProgressbarConfig = color: '#e53935' // Material design red 600 failedColor: '#7CB342' // Material design lightGreen 600 thickness: '5px' autoFinish: false Vue;
Mount progress bar in route component
<template> <div id="app"> ... <vue-progress-bar></vue-progress-bar> </div></template>
2. Set in router
;;const withPreflight = ;// ...const router = routes:
in component:
3. Use <script>export default { /** * @function $_preflight * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} options.$store Vuex store * @param {Object} options.route Target route * @returns {Promise | Object} Object or promise of an object to be * assigned to component instance upon creation */ $_preflight() { return doAsyncStuff().then(data => data); }</script>