a loading data tabs plugin for Vue.js, to help you to use tabs to load data and infinite scroll.
it can cache the tab data and remember the scroll height so that you can avoid repeatedly load your data.
- mobile friendly
- each tab infinite scroll supported
- tab data cached
Usage & Guide
npm install vue-slider-tabs
import with npm or window
// npm import// window import<scirpt src="dist/vue-slider-tabs.js"></script>// global useVue // component usecomponents: swipperTabs
<swipper-tabs :tabs="tabs" :tabCurIdx="tabCurIdx" @tabClick="tabClickHandler" @loadData="loadDataHandler"> <!-- slot for tab content --> <ul> <li v-for="item in list"></li> </ul> </div></swipper-tabs>
- [Array tab names. eg: ['all', 'girl', 'food'], empty Array can hide the tabs, suitable for the no tabs just infinite loading data.tabCurIdx
- [Number] init active tab index.tabClick
- [Function(cachelist
)] tab click handler, cachelist params is the click tab cache page data listloadData
- [Function(page, activeIdx, tabName, list, $state
)] tab data load hook handler; swipperTabs inner use “vue-infinite-loading” to infinite load data , whenerver need to loading data it will trigger loadData callback to emit to swipperTabs,so you need to handle your own http request in the loadData Function.
whenerver you loaded your data, you need to use the $state params to stop the inifinite loading status and pass on the loaded datas to the $state callback to cache the list.
: to stop the current page load,
: means you load all the pages data,
: when error happend during the load,for more useage please consult the vue-infinite-loading github.
{ this$http if list && listlength // render your list thislist = thislist // change the loading status, data as params to add as the cache list loadParams$state else // all data loaded loadParams$statecompletelist loadParams$state }