Vuex ORM
🔥 HEADS UP! Currently, Vuex ORM Next project is on going, and we are hoping it is going to be the foundation of the version 1.0.0 release. We're not planning to add features to current v0.36.3 due to focusing more on Vuex ORM Next development. If you're new to Vuex ORM, please try out Vuex ORM Next.
Vuex ORM is a plugin for Vuex to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Vuex Store. Vuex ORM lets you create "normalized" data schema within Vuex Store with relationships such as "Has One" and "Belongs To Many" like any other usual ORM library. It also provides fluent API to get, search and update Store state.
Vuex ORM is heavily inspired by Redux recipe of "Normalizing State Shape" and "Updating Normalized Data". Learn more about the concept and motivation of Vuex ORM at What is Vuex ORM?.
Vuex ORM is sponsored by awesome folks. Big love to all of them from whole Vuex ORM community 💕
Super Love Sponsors
Big Love Sponsors
A Love Sponsors
You can check out the full documentation for Vuex ORM at
Questions & Discussions
Join us on our Slack Channel for any questions and discussions.
Although there is the Slack Channel, do not hesitate to open an issue for any question you might have. We're always more than happy to hear any feedback, and we don't care what kind of form they are.
You can find example applications built using Vuex ORM at;
- Vuex ORM Examples – Simple ToDo App built on top of a plain Vue structure generated by Vue CLI.
- Vuex ORM Examples Nuxt – Simple ToDo App built on top of Nuxt.js.
Vuex ORM can be extended via plugins to add additional features. Here is a list of available plugins.
- Vuex ORM Axios – The plugin to sync the store against a RESTful API.
- Vuex ORM GraphQL – The plugin to sync the store against a GraphQL API.
- Vuex ORM Search – The plugin adds a search() method to filter records using fuzzy search logic from the Fuse.js.
- Vuex ORM Change Flags - Vuex ORM plugin for adding IsDirty / IsNew flags to model entities.
- Vuex ORM Soft Delete – Vuex ORM plugin for adding soft delete feature to model entities.
Also, you can find a list of awesome things related to Vuex ORM at Awesome Vuex ORM.
We are excited that you are interested in contributing to Vuex ORM! Anything from raising an issue, submitting an idea of a new feature, or making a pull request is welcome! Before submitting your contribution though, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guidelines.
Pull Request Guidelines
When submitting a new pull request, please make sure to follow these guidelines:
For feature requests: Checkout a topic branch from
branch, and merge back againstdev
branch. -
For bug fixes: Checkout a topic branch from
branch, and merge back againstmaster
These rules also apply to the documentation. If you're submitting documentation about a new feature that isn't released yet, you must checkout the dev
branch, but for non-functional updates, such as fixing a typo, you may checkout and commit to the master
There are several scripts to help with development.
$ yarn build
Compile files and generate bundles in dist
$ yarn lint
Lint files using a rule of Standard JS.
$ yarn test
Run the test using Jest.
$ yarn test:watch
Run the test in watch mode.
$ yarn test:perf
Run the performance test.
$ yarn coverage
Generate test coverage in coverage
$ yarn docs
Build and boot documentation server with VuePress.
The Vuex ORM is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.