
1.3.0 • Public • Published


wardboss decides who gets what when they ask for it. In other words, it does basic dependency injection and currying.

wardboss has constituents and functions. When it calls those functions, different parameters are provided to those functions depending on the constituent for which it is being called.

So, if you call a function named showJobs for the constituent bigjoerusty, it will be passed the param ['committeeman']. However, if you call showJobs for the constituent vrdolyak, wardboss passes the params ['sanitation chief'], ['zoning permits'].

Let's say you have a function that takes three params, like so:

function showJobs(jobs, owedfavors, done) {
  console.log(jobs, owedfavors);
  setTimeout(done, 0);

You create a wardboss.

var boss = wardboss.createBoss();

After that, you can register functions with wardboss, giving providers for each constituent. A provider takes a callback, to which it passes an array of (all or some of) the params that the function should get.

  fn: showJobs,
  providers: {
    bigjoerusty: function provideShowJobsArgs(context, done) {
      setTimeout(function callDone() {
        done(null, [['committeeman']]);
    vrdolyak: function provideShowJobsArgs(context, done) {
      setTimeout(function callDone() {
        done(null, [['sanitation chief'], ['zoning permits']]);

Then, you call the function like so. You can pass along any params that are not provided by the providers.

  context: {
    discussionLocation: 'cityHall'
  params: [
    function doneShowingJobs(error, result) {
      console.log('The jobs and favors will have been logged.');

  context: {
    discussionLocation: 'alley'
  params: [
    ['look the other way'], 
    function doneShowingJobs(error, result) {
      console.log('The jobs and favors will have been logged.');


npm install wardboss


createBoss =>

  • Returns a boss object with the following methods and properties:
    • addConstituent
    • addFn
    • fns, an object with function names as the keys and functions as the values
    • $, an object that has constituent names as keys and constituent objects as values.
      • Each constituent has:
        • providers, a dictionary of function name keys and provider function values.

boss.addConstituent(constituentName) =>

  • Adds a constituent to boss.$ using constituentName as the key.


  • Where:
    • opts is an object containing:
      • fn, a function
      • providers, an object in which:
        • The keys correspond to constituent names
        • The values are functions that:
          • Take a context and a callback, done.
          • Calls it with error, params, where:
            • params is an array of arguments to be passed to fn.
  • =>
    • Adds fn to boss.fns.
    • Adds values of providers to constituent.providers using 'fn' name as key.
    • Adds a method with the name fn.name to each constituent with a value that is:
      • A function that calls a function using a parameters from the appropriate provider.

boss.$.<constituent c>.<function f>({context, params}) =>

  • Gets provider p from c.
  • Calls p with context to get arguments, which it combines with params (params override arguments) and passes to them f.


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  • jimkang