A node package for getting data from warfish.net
Requires node 18+
Has the following methods, which each take a gameId
as an argument. They are all asynchronous.
Warfish.getCards(gameId: number) => {
setsTraded: number, // number of sets traded in so far
nextSetsWorth: string, // text representation of the next ten set values
cardsDiscarded: number, // the number of cards in the discard pile
nextSetWorth: number, // the number of units the next set is worth
playerCounts: Array<{seat: number, numberOfCards: number}> // the number of cards each seat has
Warfish.getPlayers(gameId: number) => Array<{
name: string, // player name
colorId: number, // color number
isTurn: boolean, // is it this person's turn
isAlive: boolean, // is this person alive
teamId: number, // team number
reserveUnits: number, // number of reserve units
profileId: string, // the username on warfish.net
seat: number, // their seat number
Warfish.getStage(gameId: number) => number // returns the current game stage number
Warfish.getTerritories(gameId: number) => Array<{
territoryId: number, // territory id
seat: number, // the seat that owns the territory
units: number, // the number of units in the territory
Warfish.getRules(gameId: number) => {
maxUnitsPerTerritory: number, // the maximum number of units in a territory
hasCard: boolean, // does this game have cards?
damageDieAttackMinimum: number, // the minimum number on the die for an attack to kill (0-9)
teamGame: boolean, // is it a team game?
maxFortifications: // maximum number of fortifications allowed
defenseDieSides: number, // number of sides for defender dice
teamTransfers: boolean, // are team transfers allowed?
bootTime: number, // the number of seconds it has to have been a player's turn before they can be booted
maxReserveUnits: number, // the maximum number of reserve units allowed
fog: number, // what type of fog is in use
allowContinuousAttack: boolean, // are continuous attacks allowed?
maxAttacks: number, // the maximum number of attack that can be made per turn
keepPossession: boolean, // are you allowed to keep possession of a territory you abandoned
allowPretransfer: boolean, // are pre-transfers allowed in BAO play
allowAbandon: boolean, // can you abandon a territory (move every unit out)
allowReturnToPlace: boolean, // after you've made an attack, can you go back to placing units?
attackDieSides: number, // the number of sides for attacker dice
cardScale: string, // the number of units for card sets
damageDieDefenseMinimum: number, // the minimum number on the die for a defender to kill (0-3)
blindAtOncePlay: boolean, // blind-at-once play
teamPlace: boolean, // can you place units on your teammates?
allowReturnToAttack: boolean, // once you've made a fortify transfer, can you return to attacking?
Warfish.getMap(gameId: number) => {
numberOfTerritories: number, // the number of territories on this map
filledNumbers: boolean, // does this map use "filled numbers" mode
fillMode: boolean, // does this map allow flood fill on a territory
logoPosition: { // the (x, y) coordinates of where to logo should be placed
x: number,
y: number,
logoUrl: string, // the logo file to use
legendPosition: { // the (x, y) coordinates of where the legend should be places
x: number,
y: number,
height: number, // the height of the map
width: number, // the width of the map
displayTerritoryNames: boolean, // should the territory names be displayed on the map?
circleMode: boolean, // does this map use "circle mode"
colors: Array<{
id: number, // the color id
name: string, // the name of the color
red: number, // RGB values 0-255
green: number,
blue: number,
territories: Array<{
id: number, // the number of the territory
name: string, // the name of the territory
maxUnits: number, // the maximum number of units allowed in the territory
x: number, // the (x, y) coordinates of where the flood fill or circle should be places
y: number,
textOffsetX: number, // the (x, y) offsets from the above coordinates for where the text should be
textOffsetY: number,
Warfish.getBoard(gameId: number) => {
id: number, // the board id
height: number, // the height of the map in pixels
width: number, // the width of the map in pixels
borders: Array<{
from: number, // the territory id that you can attack from
to: number, // to this territory id
Warfish.getContinents(gameId: number) => Array<{
id: number, // the continent id
name: string, // the continent name
units: number, // the number of bonus units you get for having this continent
territoryIds: Array<number>, // an array of the territory ids that comprise this continent
Warfish.getHistoryLog(gameId: number) => Array<{
id: number;
time: Date;
seat?: number;
logVersion?: number;
territoryId?: number;
number?: number;
attackerDice?: number[];
defenderDice?: number[];
defenderSeat?: number;
attackerLost?: number;
defenderLost?: number;
baoOrderId?: number;
toTerritoryId?: number;
fromTerritoryId?: number;
eliminatedSeat?: number;
teamId?: number;
seatList?: number[];
cardList?: number[];
cardId?: number;
Warfish.getMapImage(gameId: number) => {
width: number,
height: number,
mimeType: string,
data: ArrayBuffer,