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wcstring is a JavaScript CommonJS (node.js) package for working with strings in a terminal (tty) context. In the terminal various characters are double the size of others, to operate on those characters wcstring is a helpful companion.

Installation & Usage

With npm you can install and use the wcstring like this:

$ npm install wcstring --save

With the package being successfully installed you can create an instance like this:

var WCString = require('wcstring')
var str = new WCString('ABCdef', charWidth)
var str2 = WCString('abcDEF', charWidth) // You don't need to use `new`


On the instance you can apply a set of operations. Note that the following explanation uses size as an accumulated amount of width and width as a single-line size.


Get the size of the widest line in the string.


Get the size of the complete string.

.sizeBeforeFirst(search, [<int> startOffset])

Analogous to String.indexOf. Looks for the first occurance of search. Optionally takes startOffset which is the size of characters that have to happen before the search takes place (default=0).

.sizeBeforeLast(search, [<int> endOffset])

Analogous to String.lastIndexOf. Looks for the last occurance of search. Optionally takes endOffset which is the size offset from the end of the string from which to search for search.

.substring(<int> startSize, [<int> endSize])

Analogous to String.substring. This method will return the fully visible characters between startSize and endSize. If endSize is not given it will assume a substring from startSize until the end of the string. However: Unlike String.substring, this method returns an object with the properties size and string in order to know the size of the substring.


var vsstring = require('wcstring')
vsstring('abcdef', charWidth).substring(0, 3) // {string: 'abc', size: 2.4}

.substr(<int> startSize, [<int> size])

Equal to .substring(startSize, startSize + size).

.wrap(<int> width, [padding])

Normalizes the string in order for all lines to fit within width.


var vsstring = require('wcstring')
vsstring('abcdef', charWidth).wrap(3) // 'abc\ndef'
vsstring('ab cd ef', charWidth).wrap(5) // 'ab cd\nef'
vsstring('ab cd ef', charWidth).wrap(3) // 'ab\ncd\nef'


The padding option takes a padding specification and applies it to the wrapping process.


var padding = {
    first: {left: ' - ', right: ' '},
    regular: {left: '   ', right: ' '}
vsstring('abcdefghijklmnop', charWidth).wrap(10, padding)
//  - abcdef
//    ghijkl
//    mnop

There are a few shorthands to specifying the padding:

padding = '  '

... is equals to ...

    first: '  ',
    regular: '  '

... is equals to ...

    first: {left: '  ': right: undefined},
    regular: {left: '  ': right: undefined}

Also you can preset left/right for both first and regular:

    right: 'x',
    first: {left: ' - '},
    regular: {left: '   '}

... is equal to ...

    first: {left: ' - ', right: 'x'},
    regular: {left: '   ', right: 'x'}

Note that the left/right presets override the first/regular specification:

    left: 'x',
    first: '-',
    regular: ' '

... is equal to ...

    first: {left: 'x', right: undefined},
    regular: {left: 'x', right: undefined}

Also it supports a fallback to regular if first is missing:

    regular: {left: 'x', right: undefined}

... is equal to ...

    first: {left: 'x', right: undefined},
    regular: {left: 'x', right: undefined}

wcstring.padding([process], [width], padding)

Turns a flexible padding definition into a clear padding definition. You can pass in an optional process variable to process the strings before they are being turned into wcstrings. You can also pass-in a width to make sure that the padding will not exceed the width of, say, a wrapped string.

.truncate(<int> size, <wcstring || String> suffix)

Truncates the string after a size. Will append the given suffix to the string if it does exceed the size.


Removes the last character from the string and returns the new .size().

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