
1.1.5 • Public • Published


web-automate is a browser automation library. Used for testing

web applications with selenium. web-automate provides you to use some selenium functionality in a easy way. By using web-automate you can do fast and clean code at some level.


web-automate may be installed via npm with

npm install web-automate

To use web-automate you don't need to download additional resources. You will only need the selenium-webdriver and drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft's IE and Edge web

browsers are all standalone executables that should be placed on your system

Browser Component
Chrome chromedriver(.exe)
Internet Explorer IEDriverServer.exe
Edge MicrosoftWebDriver.msi
Firefox geckodriver(.exe)
Safari safaridriver


The sample below and others are included in the example directory. You may

also find the web-driver informative by using selenium-webdriver.

const { Builder } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const { findElement, closeBrowser, navigateTo } = require("web-automate");
(async function example() {
  let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser("chromes").build();
  try {
    await navigateTo(driver, "http://www.google.com/ncr");
    const webElement = await findElement(driver, { name: "q" });
    webElement.sendKeys("Hello World");
  } finally {
    await closeBrowser(driver);

Use with binder Api

By using the binder api in web-automate you do not have to use driver again and again. Pass the driver as argument to binder api once and use all the web-automate api. You can also use the other api's without binder api by above way. See the documentation to use the binder api.

const { Builder } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const { binder } = require("web-automate");
const { findElement, closeBrowser, navigateTo } = binder(driver);
(async function example() {
  let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser("chromes").build();
  try {
    await navigateTo("http://www.google.com/ncr");
    const webElement = await findElement({ name: "q" });
    webElement.sendKeys("Hello World");
  } finally {
    await closeBrowser();


API documentation is available online from the web-automate project.

Node Support Policy

web-automate supports same versions of the node as selenium-webdriver.


Please report any issues using the web-automate issue tracker. When using

the issue tracker

  • Include complete details about the issue.

  • You can include a link to a gist with any stack traces/logs (and you can also attach these directly to the bug report).

  • Your bug report will be closed if you do not provide enough information abut the issue.

  • Please only open new issue and reference the original issue in your report.

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  • parteek