
3.0.2 • Public • Published

Webdev Toolkit

A scalable modular Gulp based assets pipeline.

Getting Started

1. Update your Node JS installation


2. Install gulp globally:

If you have previously installed a version of gulp globally, please run npm rm -g gulp to make sure your old version doesn't collide with gulp-cli.

$ npm install -g gulp-cli

3. Initialize in your project directory:

$ npm init

4. Install the Webdev Toolkit in your project devDependencies:

$ npm install webdev-toolkit --save-dev

If you don't have some of the required files, the toolkit will create them for you:

  • .babelrc
  • .eslintignore
  • .eslintrc
  • .jshintignore
  • .stylelintignore
  • stylelint.config.js
  • .webdevtoolkitrc
  • gulpfile.js

5. Load the toolkit in your Gulpfile

// Add to your gulpfile.js
// Require Gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
// Import front-end toolkit tasks


This toolkit provides your total assets pipeline. From gathering files from NPM dependencies, bundling Javascript, minifying images and scripts to generating CSS from Sass and injecting it into your browser with Browser Sync. This leaves you with time to focus on the things that really matter!

  • Loads individual tasks from the webdev-toolkit for use in your project.
  • Easily integrates into your gulpfile.js without breaking your existing tasks.
  • Each task is stored in it's own local node module to completely separate concerns.

Project structure

We suggest using the following default folder layout. You can change it to suit your own structure by setting the correct paths in configuration.

  • node_modules
  • site appRoot
    • css styles.dest
    • dist npm.assetsDest
      • package-name
        • file.png
        • file.woff
        • etc. npm.assetFileTypes
    • images images.dest
      • file.jpg
      • file.png
      • etc.
  • src
    • images images.src
    • script scripts.src
      • app.js put this in the 'main' property of your 'package.json' for StealJS.
      • folder
        • file_a.js
        • file_b.js
        • etc.
    • styles styles.srcFolder
      • components styles.componentsSrc
      • _bundle.scss npm.stylesFile
      • styles.scss styles.src
  • templates utilities.watchSrc
    • file.html

Available tasks

gulp The default task. Use this for front-end development. Builds your assets, starts a watcher and live reloads changes in the browser using Browser-Sync.

gulp build Use this when building your project. Mostly used by back-end developers and on Jenkins CI.

gulp test Use this to run both the styles and script linter.

run gulp -T for a list of all available tasks

Run tasks with the --production handle on your build system. This ensures that hard errors are thrown (so builds fail on errors) and stuff gets minified. For example: gulp build --production


You can configure the toolkit by setting options in .webdevtoolkitrc or a webdevtoolkit key in your package.json.

// .webdevtoolkitrc
// Set options
  "appRoot"             : "site/",
    "npm": {
      "assetFileTypes" : "png,gif,svg,jpeg,jpg,woff,woff2,eot,ttf,otf",
      "stylesFile"     : "_bundle.scss",
      "src"            : "node_modules",
      "assetsDest"     : "site/dist",
      "config"          : "package.json"

Available options

Property Default value Description
appRoot "site/" Main dist folder followed by a forward slash
npm object
assetFileTypes "png,gif,svg,jpeg,jpg,woff,woff2,eot,ttf,otf" Comma separated list of filetypes
stylesFile "_dist.scss" Filename for concatenated npm styles
src "node_modules" Location of node modules
assetsDest "site/dist" Where to copy static assets for distribution
config "package.json" Package config
fonts object
src "src/fonts/**/*" Fonts source dir
dest "site/fonts" Distribution fonts dir
images object
src "src/images/**" Images source dir
dest "site/images" Distribution images dir
scripts object
src ["src/script/*.js"] Script sources
styles object
src ["src/styles/styles.scss"] Stylesheets that are parsed
srcFolder "src/styles" Stylesheets source folder
componentsSrc "src/styles/components" Location of styles components
componentsIgnore [] Indexable components to ignore, handy if you dont have any components at all.
dest "site/css" Distribution css dir
includePaths ["node_modules"] Sass includepaths
utilities object
browserSyncHtdocs "d:\\php\\" Location of Apache htdocs for Browser Sync
browserSyncOpen "external" Decide which URL to open automatically when Browsersync starts.
watchSrc "templates/**/*.html" Glob with additional folders to watch, for example your template files or php views.
stealTools object Options for Steal-Tools Build


Autoprefixer uses Browserslist, so you can specify the browsers you want to target in your project by queries like last 2 versions or > 5%. You can configure autoprefixer by setting the browserslist key in your package.json or browserlist config.

  "browserslist": [
    "> 1%",
    "last 2 versions"

Front-end dependencies

Front-end dependencies are loaded via NPM, so install them into your project by running: $ npm install name-of-package --save

Module loading with StealJS

StealJS is a module loader and builder that will help you create the next great app. It's designed to simplify dependency management while being extremely powerful and flexible. StealJS is composed of two parts.

Steal - the module loader

You can configure Steal by setting a steal property in package.json.

   "steal": {
      "bundle": "src/script/*.js",
      "paths": {
        "paths": {
          "vendor": "vendor"
      "babelOptions": {},
      "meta": {
        "jquery": {
          "format": "global",
          "exports": "jQuery",
          "build": false
      "envs": {
        "build-development": {
          "map": {
            "jquery": "@empty"
        "window-production": {
          "paths": {
            "jquery": "//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"
Steal-tools - the builder

Steal-tools is configured by setting the Stealtools property in .webdevtoolkitrc.

  "stealTools": {
    "devBundleWatch": ["vendor/**/*.js"],
    "dev": {
      "filter": [
      "dest": "site/dist",
      "sourceMaps": true,
      "minify": false
    "production": {
      "dest": "site/dist",
      "bundleSteal": false,
      "sourceMaps": true,
      "maxBundleRequests": 3,
      "maxMainRequests": 3,
      "ignore": [

Static assets

You can overwrite the main property of a package in your package.json, to get for example some fonts or images into your npm.dist folder. When a stylesheet is included, the relative paths to background-images and font-path etc. will be rewritten to point to the npm.dist folder. Styles will be bundled in npm.stylesFile.

  "dependencies": {
    "slick-carousel": "git://github.com/kenwheeler/slick.git#3ab76ec"
  "overrides": {
    "slick-carousel": {
      "main": [


Scripts are linted with ESlint. The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX. Configuration is done via * .eslintrc and ignores can be added in * .eslintignore.


Styles are linted by stylelint. A mighty, modern CSS linter and fixer that helps you avoid errors and enforce consistent conventions in your stylesheets. Finding and loading of your configuration object is done with cosmiconfig. Starting from the current working directory, it will look for the following possible sources, in this order:

  • stylelint property in package.json
  • .stylelintrc file
  • stylelint.config.js file exporting a JS object


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    • maartenvanspil