This is a react-scripts wrapper, which will give you functionality to custmize react-scripts's webpack configuration
How to use
Webpack config file
Firstly follow create-react-app instruction to create your app.
Or directly cd to your create-react-app created project root.
npm install webpack-conf-react-scripts --save-dev
Then create 3 files under your project root
- webpack.config.common.js // this contains config will be merged to both dev and prod config
- webpack.config.dev.js // this contains config will only be merged to dev config
- webpack.config.prod.js // this contains config will only be merged to prod config
Follow webpack instruction to add the config you need.
For example, you need add a copy plguin to react-scripts webpack config
/** webpack.config.common.js*/const CopywebpackPlugin = ; const path = ; moduleexports = plugins: from: path to: 'testcopy' ;
webpack-conf-react-scripts will try to merge your config to existing react-scripts ones.
It will concat all array config field, and override other type of fields.
if you wish to use it with npm scripts, modify your package.json like:
--entry -e
Use this argument to provide another entry point file in your src folder, this will override the default setting "src/index.js"