🖊️ An editable table plugin for Slate.js
- use npm
npm i -S wise-table
import { Editor } from 'slate-react';
import { ValueJSON, Value } from 'slate';
import React from 'react';
import { EditTable, EditTableCommands, hasTablePlugin } from 'wise-table';
const tablePlugin = EditTable();
const plugins = [tablePlugin];
class SlateEditor extends Component {
state: {
value: Value;
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: Value.fromJSON(props.initialValue),
onChange = ({ value }) => {
this.setState({ value });
this.props.onChange({ value });
removeTable = () => this.editorRef.removeTable();
insertTable = () => this.editorRef.insertTable(5, 5, { columnWidth: 200, maxWidth: 500 });
insertLeft = () => this.editorRef.insertLeft();
insertRight = () => this.editorRef.insertRight();
insertAbove = () => this.editorRef.insertAbove();
insertBelow = () => this.editorRef.insertBelow();
removeColumn = () => this.editorRef.removeColumn();
removeRow = () => this.editorRef.removeRow();
mergeSelection = () => this.editorRef.mergeSelection();
splitCell = () => this.editorRef.splitCell();
enableResizing = () => this.editorRef.enableResizing();
disableResizing = () => this.editorRef.disableResizing();
render() {
return (
<button onMouseDown={this.insertTable}>Insert Table</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.insertAbove}>Insert Above</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.insertBelow}>Insert Below</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.insertLeft}>Insert Left</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.insertRight}>Insert Right</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.mergeSelection}>merge selection</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.splitCell}>split cell</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.removeColumn}>Remove Column</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.removeRow}>Remove Row</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.removeTable}>Remove Table</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.disableResizing}>disable resizing</button>
<button onMouseDown={this.enableResizing}>enable resizing</button>
ref={editor => {
this.editorRef = editor;
placeholder="Paragraph component..."
## Commands
| Command | Description |
| `insertTable` | create and insert new table |
| `removeTable` | remove table |
| `insertLeft` | insert new column to left of current anchor cell |
| `insertRight` | insert new column to right of current anchor cell |
| `insertAbove` | insert new row to above of current anchor cell |
| `insertBelow` | insert new row to below of current anchor cell |
| `removeColumn` | remove selected column |
| `removeRow` | remove selected row |
| `mergeSelection` | merge current selection |
| `splitCell` | split current cell |
| `enableResizing` | enable cell resizing |
| `enableResizing` | disable cell resizing |
## Query
| Query | Description |
| `isSelectionInTable` | If selection is in current table, return true |
| `canSelectedCellsMerge` | If selection is able to merge diagonally selected cells, return true |
| `findCurrentTable` | find current table block |
## Test
``` sh
npm t
Yet to make documentation how we can work on features like split cells & any bugs
- Initial release