
1.1.0 • Public • Published

React Native Contacts

A react native module to allow access to user contacts on a mobile device.

Supports both iOS and Android. The iOS version uses the AddressBook API or the new Contacts API on iOS>=9.


getAuthorizationStatus (iOS only)

Retrieves the current authorization status to access contact data. Based upon the access, the application could display or hide its UI elements that would access any Contacts API Callback Returns the authorization status. The value is from the ContactsManagerAuthorizationStatus enum

requestAuthorization (iOS only)

Request access to the user's contacts. Users are able to grant or deny access to contact data on a per-application basis. The user will only be prompted the first time access is requested; Callback Returns the authorization status. The value is from the ContactsManagerAuthorizationStatus enum.


Retrieves the contact ID of a contact with the requested phone number. If there is more than one contact with this number, the first one will be retrieved. Callback Returns with an error message (if an error occured) and the contactID. In case of a error, contactID value will be kUnknownContactID


Adds a new contact to the user's contacts. Callback Returns with an error message (if an error occured) and the contactID. In case of a error, contactID value will be kUnknownContactID

Installation iOS

Installation Android

  • Install using npm: npm install wix-react-native-contacts
  • In android/setting.gradle
include ':wix-react-native-contacts'
project(':wix-react-native-contacts').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/wix-react-native-contacts/android')
  • In android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile project(':wix-react-native-contacts')
  • Register module (in android/app/src/main/java/[your-app-namespace]/MainActivity.java)
import com.wix.reactnativecontacts.ReactNativeContacts; // <------ ADD ME 
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler {
    mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()
      .addPackage(new MainReactPackage())
      .addPackage(new ReactNativeContacts())              // <------ ADD ME 
  • Add Contacts permission (in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />


First make sure to requier the ContactsManager like so:

var ContactsManager = React.NativeModules.ContactsManager;

getAuthorizationStatus (iOS only)

ContactsManager.getAuthorizationStatus((status) => {
        authStatus: status,
        authChecked: true

requestAuthorization (iOS only)

  ContactsManager.requestAuthorization((status) => {
      this.setState({ authStatus: status });


  var newContact = {
      firstName: "Artal",
      middleName: "middle",
      lastName: "Druk",
      phoneNumbers: [{
        label: ContactsManager.CreateContactMobilePhoneLabel,
        number: "050-1234567",
      emailAddresses: [{
        label: "my email label",
        email: "someone@wix.com",
    ContactsManager.addNewContact(newContact, (error, contactID) => {
      var alertTitle = error ? "Error" : "Success";
      var alertMessage = error ? error : "Contact added. New contact ID: " + contactID;
      this.showAlert(alertTitle, alertMessage);


  ContactsManager.getContactID("050-1234567", (error, contactID) => {
      var alertTitle = error ? "Error" : "Success";
      var alertMessage = error ? error : "Contact ID: " + contactID;
      if (contactID === ContactsManager.UnknownContactID) {
        alertMessage = "Contact not found";
      this.showAlert(alertTitle, alertMessage);

full example

You can see a full working example here.

Dependencies (0)

    Dev Dependencies (0)

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      • wix.mobile
      • artald