ES6 JS class to write text onto image with word wrapping
npm install wordwrapimagewriter --save
Write lines onto an image wrapping and automatically determining
spacing and padding as specified
// Instantiate the writer
var writer = new wordwrapimagewriter({
imgFilename: './imageToWriteOnto.png',
availableLines: 3, // your maximum line number you allow
topPadPx: 50, // spacing from top of image to move down before writing
lineBottomPadPx: 5, // spacing at bottom of each line
fontFile: './HelveticaBold.ttf',
// Call open to asynchronously load image before writing
writer.openImg(() => {
// The color declarations are from the node-gd package in rgba format
var usernameColor = writer.img.colorAllocateAlpha(255, 20, 20, 1);
var textColor = writer.img.colorAllocateAlpha(255, 255, 255, 1);
var usernameText = "jenk37: ";
var messageText = "I think that the wordwrapimagewriter is pretty good";
// Write text onto the image. If the text takes more more lines
// than availableLines, it will return the text that did not fit.
var textThatWontFit = writer.writeText(usernameText, usernameColor);
if (textThatWontFit) {
console.log("[!] Text couldn't fit:", textThatWontFit);
// Change font or size. Changing size will automatically update lineLength
textThatWontFit = writer.writeText(messageText, textColor);
if (textThatWontFit) {
console.log("[!] Text couldn't fit:", textThatWontFit);
// Save the image file"./newImageFilename.png", () => {
return callback();