Make your yaml configurable with interactive configurations!
- Node.js 4.2+
- npm
npm install yaask -g
yaask settings-sample.yml -o settings.yml
# Your yaml file goes here
# These parameters will remain the same:
foo: 1
bar: 2
# Here we ask for the value:
name: # @ask "Your name?"
# The same as above, but with default value:
city: # @ask "City you're from?" (default San Francisco)
# You can select one of the options:
coffee: # @ask "Do you want some coffee?" yes|no
# As many options as you want:
appointment_time: # @ask "Select appointment time" 9am | 11am | 1pm | 3pm | 5pm
# With explanation for each option:
cloud_provider: # @ask "Your cloud provider?" aws (Amazon AWS) | azure (Microsoft Azure) | gloud (Google Cloud)
# Or for some of them:
log_type: # @ask "Select log type" error | warn | info | verbose | none (I don't need any logging)
# Your yaml file goes here
# These parameters will remain the same:
foo: 1
bar: 2
# Here we ask for the value:
name: Roman # @ask "Your name?"
# The same as above, but with default value:
city: San Francisco # @ask "City you're from?" (default San Francisco)
# You can select one of the options:
coffee: no # @ask "Do you want some coffee?" yes|no
# As many options as you want:
appointment_time: 3pm # @ask "Select appointment time" 9am | 11am | 1pm | 3pm | 5pm
# With explanation for each option:
cloud_provider: azure # @ask "Your cloud provider?" aws (Amazon AWS) | azure (Microsoft Azure) | gloud (Google Cloud)
# Or for some of them:
log_type: none # @ask "Select log type" error | warn | info | verbose | none (I don't need any logging)
There are few formats that can be used after @ask
With simple format you'll just ask for input:
"How many cups of coffee do you want?"
Without quotes:
How many cups of coffee do you want?
With colon:
How many cups of coffee do you want:
Yaml file example:
cups: # @ask How many cups of coffee do you want?
Default format allows to specify default value:
"City you're from?" (default San Francisco)
Without quotes:
City you're from? (default San Francisco)
With colon:
City you're from : (default San Francisco)
Without anything:
City you're from (default San Francisco)
Yaml file example (will override value if already specified):
city: # @ask City you're from? (default San Francisco)
List format allows to specify the list of options:
"Do you want some coffee?" yes|no
With some spacing:
"Do you want some coffee?" yes | no
With description (description is visible to the user, but value will be used):
"Do you want some coffee?" yes (Yes, please) | no (No, thank you)
With optional description:
"Do you want some coffee?" yes (Yes, please) | no
Without quotes:
Do you want some coffee? yes | no
Without question mark:
Cup size : small | medium | large
Yaml file example:
coffee: # @ask Do you want some coffee? yes (Yes, please) | no (No, thank you)
cup_size: # @ask Cup size : small | medium | large
I use it to make my Docker containers configurable.