Parsing data generated from Selenium or Jest (WIP) and import it to extension for JIRA:Zephyr as reports of automation testing! In the current(latest) version u are able to do:
- select for which JIRA project u wanna import parsed data
- select who executed tests, so who has correct access rights defined in configZephyrUser.json
- create specific cycle for version to which reports will imported
- cycle is parsed from branch, so when u have prepared release/X.X.X branch, it will create cycle RELEASE and placed this cycle to executions for version X.X.X
- in the case u do not wanna to have cycle named as RELEASE, u can name it as u want. F.i. development_cycle and it will create cycle with specified name to version from selected branch X.X.X
- in the case that there is no version specified, so branch is called f.i. development, production or feature/name > reports will imported as Ad Hoc
- specify Assignee, so to which user the executed tests will assigned
- divide tests in cycle to folders
- run specific tests via specified components of main TEST issue
- ...
Package for import reports to Jira extension Zephyr should be correctly installed for project wehre it will be used, so correctly placed in package.json of project.
├── Home directory # project where package is installed - here must be configs placed after instalation of npm package
└── configZephyr.json # configuration of Project, API version of Apiari (Zephyr), inputs for run script as executor, branch, custom cycle name
# ids, keys, tokens for reporter (or ...) which use the zephyr script
└── node_modules # node modules of project fro where zephyr-import package is installed
└── zephyr-import # project
└── ...
Zephyr default options example
- jiraProjectID: ID of project, ussually number. U can find it in project URL.
- base_api_call: DEVELOPMENT: default value, DO NOT CHANGE IT if u do not wanna update implementation
- zephyrApiVersion: DEVELOPMENT: default value, DO NOT CHANGE IT if u do not wanna update implementation
- reportsDir: Selenium reported generate JSONs as tests results. So each IT() of test === one generate JSON. Script needs to have path to mentioned JSON. See example lower in shell script
- exectuor: who is running the script and his params are defined in user config above
- version: so branch. This is the input from which selected version is found and new cycle is linked to version found.
- cycle: custom cycle name. So if u do not wanna to have name parsed from version paramater, u can put custom name of cycle which will be linked to version found by param version
- skip_duplicityCycle_verify: if set to true, possible to create same cycle name for one version
User setup example
- account_id: u can find it in url when u open your profile in JIRA: project.atlassian.net/jira/people/{{account_id}}
- access_key: key to access for zephyr API. Go in JIRA: Apps/Zephyr/API Keys >> copy Access key
- secret_key: key to access for zephyr API. Go in JIRA: Apps/Zephyr/API Keys >> copy Secret key >> do not send it to external users (security)
- jira_token: go to Manage profile url: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens, and generate your new token
// configZephyr.json
"zephyrDefaultOptions": {
"jiraProjectId": 10000,
"base_api_call": "https://prod-api.zephyr4jiracloud.com/connect",
"zephyrApiVersion": "1.0",
"reportsDir": "./reports/jsons",
"executor": "user_name",
"version": "release/2.5.5",
"cycle": "RELEASE",
"skip_duplicityCycle_verify": false,
"user_name": {
"account_id": "6x483..xx...08bd4",
"access_key": "MD...xxx...........kFVTFRfT..xxx...RQ",
"secret_key": "ALBJgdcccxxxxx.....y2DtadVI.....WUfgp..xx",
"jira_token": "5qAvm...xxxx...4BD"
Installing project
npm i zephyr-import