<template> <div id="app" class="container"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <Table :data="data" :columns="columns" :actions="actions" ref="table" @sort="_onSort" @search="_onSearch" @filter="_onFilter" @edit="_onEdit" class="table-bordered" /> </div> </div></template> <script>import Table from './components'export default { name: 'app', components: { Table }, data () { return { data: [ {"name":"赵伟","tel":"156*****1987","hobby":"钢琴、书法、唱歌","address":"上海市黄浦区金陵东路569号17楼"}, {"name":"李伟","tel":"182*****1538","hobby":"钢琴、书法、唱歌","address":"上海市奉贤区南桥镇立新路12号2楼"}, {"name":"孙伟","tel":"161*****0097","hobby":"钢琴、书法、唱歌","address":"上海市崇明县城桥镇八一路739号"}, {"name":"周伟","tel":"197*****1123","hobby":"钢琴、书法、唱歌","address":"上海市青浦区青浦镇章浜路24号"}, {"name":"吴伟","tel":"183*****6678","hobby":"钢琴、书法、唱歌","address":"上海市松江区乐都西路867-871号"} ], columns: [{ "name": "name", "header": "姓名", "sortable": true }, { "name": "tel", "header": "电话", "searchable": true, "style": { "color": "#0f0" } }, { "name": "hobby", "header": "爱好", "filterable": true, "style": { "width": "150px" }, "options": [ { "label": "钢琴、书法、唱歌", "value": "钢琴、书法、唱歌" } ] }, { "name": "actions", "header": "操作", "component": "Buttons", "buttons": { "edit": "编辑", "delete": "删除" } }] }, methods: { _onSort (data) { console.log('onsort', data) }, _onSearch (data) { console.log('onSearch', data) }, _onEdit (data) { console.log(data) } }, mounted () { console.log(this.$refs.table) }}</script> <style>@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";</style>
Build Setup
# install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build
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