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2.0.0 • Public • Published


A Typescript library to allow typesafe access to localstorage using schema validation from Zod


Create an object mapping every key to appear in localStorage to a Zod schema:

const TodoItems = z.array(z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    completed: z.boolean()

const LocalStorageKeys = {
    TODO_ITEMS: TodoItems

Create a ZodLocalStorage instance using this object:

const Storage = new ZodLocalStorage(LocalStorageKeys);

To retrieve items, first verify that the retrieved item matches the given schema:

const validationResult = Storage.getItem("TODO_ITEMS");

if (!validationResult.success) {
    // log error, show notification, etc.

// Validation must be successful here
const { data } = validationResult; // Will be of type Array<{ name: string, completed: boolean }>

If you'd prefer a more traditional try-catch approach, use ZodLocalStorage.getItemOrThrow:

try {
    const validationResult = Storage.getItem("TODO_ITEMS");

    // Validation must be successful here
    const { data } = validationResult; // Will be of type Array<{ name: string, completed: boolean }>
} catch (e) {
    // handle error

To set items, use ZodLocalStorage.setItem(). NOTE: There is no need to use JSON.stringify for the value; it will automatically be called on the given value.

const todoItems = [{ name: "Write some code", completed: false }];

Storage.setItem("TODO_ITEMS", todoItems);

FP (Functional Programming) Module

For those who would prefer a more functional approach, zod-localstorage also comes with module that is more suited to a functional style, and uses the popular purify-ts library. As prior, create an object containing storage keys mapped to Zod schemas:

import {generateAccessor} from "zod-localstorage/fp";

const TodoItems = z.array(z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    completed: z.boolean()

const LocalStorageKeys = {
    TODO_ITEMS: TodoItems

const getKey = generateAccessor(LocalStorageKeys);

const todoItems = getKey("TODO_ITEMS");

todoItems.setItem([ { name: "Learn Haskell", completed: false } ]); // Sets the "TODO_ITEMS" key in localStorage to the given value

const result = todoItems.getItem(); // Currently of type Either<ZodError, Array<{ name: string, completed: boolean}>

todoItems.clear(); // Clears the todo items from local storage

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