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Lookup information about ISO-3166-2 subdivisions.
Provides information about countries and states of the world.
A list of country names and codes as published by the ISO 3166-1 standard
ISO3166 types for Typescript
Tiny, fast, modular ISO 3166-1 alpha-2/alpha-3 parser.
Tiny, fast, modular ISO 3166-1 alpha-2/alpha-3 parser.
Map country names to ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes and back
The full list of countries with their most important data.
Converts country codes from ISO2 to ISO3 back and forth
A library for getting data about countries.
Countries data (general, languages, geo, anthems, etc)
## Overview `CountryLib` provides configuration management with a built-in caching layer. It uses the [`cache-manager`]( package along with the [`cache-manager-fs-hash`]( database patches (ISO-3166)
Geometry shapes for all the countries and states of the World.
Lookup information about ISO-3166-2 subdivisions. (MIT Open Learning fork).
Provides utilities to work with regions, states, and sub-regions. It allows fetching regions and sub-regions by their codes and offers functionality to retrieve all sub-regions belonging to a specific region or state.
Emoji for a language code. Includes name in English and native language.
A comprehensive library of ISO3166-1 & ISO3166-2 country/subdivision codes and their corresponding flag icons in SVG format.
Up-to-date decoding table of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. Generated directly from the [original source]( without any additions or modifications.
Tiny, fast, modular ISO 3166-2 lookup library