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Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
Material UI Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
Nepali Datepicker React is a lightweight, highly customizable, and feature-rich datepicker component, specifically designed for handling Nepali dates in React.js applications. It offers seamless integration, intuitive user experience, and extensive config
Simple Nepali datepicker component for angular applications
Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
React DatePicker for Bikram Sambat(Nepali Official Calendar)
React DatePicker for Bikram Sambat(Nepali Official Calendar)
This is a antd component for nepali datepicker.
Extends the date picker of nepali-datepicker-reactjs Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
A Nepali Date Picker for Vue 3
Nepali Date Picker jQuery Plugin
A simple yet powerful jquery date picker based in Nepali calendar. Supports both single and multiple date selections in dual language.
A small Javascript/Typescript Library to convert English Date to Nepali and Vice Versa.
- nepali
- nepali-date
- nepali-date-converter
- date-converter
- ad-bs
- ad-to-bs
- bs-ad
- bikram-sambat
- typescript
- javascript
- BS date
- AD to BS
- Bikram Sambat Calendar
React Nepali Date Picker
- nepali
- datepicker
- nepaliDatepicker
- nepalidate
- reactnepali
- react date picker
- react nepali datepicker
- datepicker nepali
The aim of this package is to enable user to input nepali date and also select date from nepali calendar from date 1970-01-01 BS to 2099-12-30.
Nepali Date Picker component for Vue js
- nepalidatepicker
- v-nepalidatepicker
- vue-datepicker
- datepicker
- nepali
- nepalidate
- vuenepali
- vue nepali datepicker
- datepicker nepali
- vue nepali
Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
Nepali Datepicker (Bikram Sambat) as a ReactJS component
Utility library to convert date in AD to Nepali date BS (Bikram sambat) and vice versa.