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Resize observer for React
React hook to measure an element's size and handle responsive components.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- use
- use-dimensions
- resize
- observer
- resize-observer
- dimensions
- measure
- size
- responsive-components
- container-queries
- performance
A tiny React hook for rendering large datasets like a breeze.
- react
- hook
- react-hook
- virtual-hook
- virtualized-hook
- use
- use-virtual
- use-virtualized
- virtual
- virtualized
- virtualization
- responsive-web-design
- rwd
- sticky-headers
- View more
Resize observer for Vue. Detect size changes of DOM elements. Support Vue's directive and component.
- vue-resize
- vue-resize-observer
- vue-resize-component
- vue-resize-directive
- resize-observer
- detect-size
- vue
- resize
- ResizeObserver
React hook which dynamically calculates the maximum number of characters that fit into an HTML element and truncates the text from middle with given middle chars.
- react
- react-hook
- resize-observer
- truncate-middle
- dynamic-truncate
- fit-character-number
- dynamic-character-number
Observe multiple React components with a single ResizeObserver.
Get resize events of an observed DOM element's height, width etc. from a resize-observer.
Fast dimension bindings using ResizeObserver
A react hook that tracks a containers size and the range that width falls into within a list of breakpoints. This allows better responsive styling, where the user can style DOM elements based on their container, rather than the browser viewport.
- react
- reactjs
- react-hooks
- hooks
- hook
- resize-observer
- element-resize
- observe-element
- react-resize-observer
- container-query
- container-queries
A lit controller and directive for observing resizes.
Resize Observers simplified
A custom element that offers a declarative interface to the ResizeObserver API.
Respond to changes in a DOM element's size. With React Breakpoints, element queries are no longer "web design's unicorn" 🦄
- resize-observer
- media-queries
- element-queries
- container-queries
- breakpoints
- react-hooks
- hooks
- react
- performance
This library provides a directive that listens resize event of an element.
Resize observer directive for vue 3.0
Resize observer for React
A vue component to observe element size changing.
Resize observer for React
Plugin for responsive components
ResizeObserver component for React