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Templating package for Yellicode - an extensible code generator.
Email templating module
Email Inky templating module
String templating as it was meant to be
Minimal templating with {{handlebars}} in a JavaScript object.
A templating language for creating structured, type-safe input forms
The package is part of the `<ceb/>` library. It provides the implementation of a templating solution which leverages on the vanilla string literals.
- custom-element-builder
- custom-elements-v1
- custom-elements
- custom-element
- typescript
- typescript-library
- javascript-library
- template
- template-engine
- template-literal
Lightweight typescript templating library
A JavaScript library for converting between HTML and JSON, with binding, templating, attributes, and CSS support.
@surface's plugin for html templating.
Comment based templating engine
This package provides a set of powerful and convenient Handlebars helpers to enhance your templating experience. It simplifies common tasks and adds useful functionalities to your Handlebars templates.
A type-safe string templating library for TypeScript
- typescript
- template
- templating
- string-templates
- string-interpolation
- type-safe
- type-inference
- strongly-typed
- string-formatting
- string-manipulation
- text-processing
- interpolation
- type-checking
- zero-dependencies
JSX and TSX templating engine for node applications inspired by React and .NET
- jsx
- tsx
- javascript
- typescript
- react
- pragma
- node
- serverside
- server
- template
- engine
- rendering
- render
- framework
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Simple and intuitive engine for prompt templating.
- templating
- templating engine
- prompt
- prompt engineering
- prompt templating
- template
- frontend
- backend
- node
- rendering
- javascript
- typescript
An unobtrusive UI templating framework wrapping over CSS Grid/Flex optimized for minimal markup and responsive display
Definitions for htmx attributes in JSX
Templating cli @jacksonotto/pulse
Templating cli for ssr runtime for LampJs
Simple Typescript Linked List with Hash Table indexing and type templating