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Angular Google Maps
Angular Material component that allow users to select a country or nationality
- ng
- library
- angular
- material
- material design
- ssr
- select country
- country picker
- country dropdown
- countries
- nationality
- languages
File input management for Angular Material
The pivot grid, or pivot table, is used to visualize large sets of relational data in a cross-tabular format, similar to an Excel pivot table. for Angular
Essential JS 2 DropDown Components for Angular
- angular
- ng
- ng-dropdown
- ej2-ng-dropdown
- ng-dropdownlist
- ng-autocomplete
- ng-multiselect
- ng-combobox
- ng-dropdowntree
ngx-datatable is an Angular table grid component for presenting large and complex data.
UI tour library for Angular 12+
Gijgo is a set of free open source javascript controls distributed under MIT License. All widgets are high performance, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library with built-in support for Bootstrap 5, Material Design and Font Awesome. They are designe
- jquery-plugin
- jquery
- gijgo
- javascript
- plugin
- grid
- datagrid
- table
- dialog
- modal
- draggable
- droppable
- tree
- treeview
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Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / Typescript / React / Angular / Vue
- ag
- ag-grid
- datagrid
- data-grid
- data grid
- datatable
- data-table
- data table
- grid
- table
- react
- angular
- angular data grid
- angular table
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Angular powered Bootstrap
- angular
- bootstrap
- components
- accordion
- alert
- buttons
- carousel
- collapse
- datepicker
- dropdown
- modal
- offcanvas
- pagination
- popover
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Angular Material international telephone input
- angular
- angular 19
- ngx
- intl-tel-input
- phone number
- validation
- international telephone input
- angular material
- material
- telephone
A customisable Angular Material TreeTable component
- angular
- ng
- material
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular material
- material design
- tree
- treetable
- tree-table
Angular component for Google reCAPTCHA
Official Angular component for CKEditor 5 – the best browser-based rich text editor.
- wysiwyg
- rich text
- editor
- html
- contentEditable
- editing
- angular
- angular2
- angular 5
- ng
- component
- ckeditor
- ckeditor5
- ckeditor 5
Essential JS 2 TreeGrid Component for Angular
- angular
- angular-treegrid
- angular-treelist
- treelist
- tree-table
- tree-data
- treegrid
- table
- tree-grid-component
- tree-table-control
- hierarchy-table
- nested-grid
- treeview-grid
- hierarchical-grid
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Highcharts component for Angular.
Distribution and Build for Angular Material MDI
> Dynamic components with full life-cycle support for inputs and outputs
File input management for Angular Material
- Angular 19
- Angular 18
- Angular 17
- Angular 16
- Angular 15
- Angular 14
- Angular 13
- Angular 13 Library
- Angular 13 Components
- Angular 13 UI Components
- Angular 13 DataGrid
- Angular 13 Table
- Angular 13 UI
- Angular 13 Scheduler
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