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Random number generator using xorshift128+
Get a random developer quote
Superfast runtime validators with only one line
Temporary files, directories or names!
Mersenne twister pseudorandom number generator
A mathematically correct random number generator library for JavaScript.
Generate random quote from site
Fastest UUIDv4 with good RNG
generate random IDs and avoid collisions
Fake data generator
Generate a random integer
A package to generate a unique username from email or randomly selected nouns and adjectives. User can add a separator between the username, define the maximum length of a username and adds up to six random digits.
- generate
- username
- username-from-email
- generate username
- generate-username-from-email
- generate unique username
- generate-unique-username
- generate-unique-name
- unique-username-generator
- unique-name-generator
- unique
- random
- user
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GRC's UHE PRNG in node (Ultra-High Entropy Pseudo-Random Number Generator by Gibson Research Corporation)
Pseudo-random number generators w/ unified API, distributions, weighted choices, ID generation
- binary
- crypto
- datastructure
- distribution
- exponential
- gaussian
- generator
- geometric
- normal
- prng
- random
- typedarray
- typescript
- uniform
Generateing a random, unique, heroku-like name for the motherbored. e.g. "gnarly-yield-2913"
A tiny script for generating attractive random colors
A fast implementation of a fisher-yates shuffle that does not mutate the source array.
Arbitrary precision modular arithmetic, cryptographically secure random numbers and strong probable prime generation/testing. It works in modern browsers, Angular, React, Node.js, etc. since it uses the native JS implementation of BigInt
A fast Mersenne Twister
- mersenne
- twister
- mersenne twister
- mersennetwister
- fast
- performance
- performant
- random
- number
- generator
- seed
- seedable
- seeded
- rng
Generate one or more common English words