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NPM package for Vue.JS: Super lightweight script that provides a way to offer progressive image loading in Vue Apps.
Validate all input fields,All form fields, Email,Password,Letters,Digits,Birth day,String,Phone number,URL,Json,IP,Distance,Time,File,Image
Image augmentation package primarily used for machine learning.
Vite plugin to minify images.
jsHarmony Image Extension for ImageMagick
Image uploads with resize and folder creation for loopback
Magnify an image through a lens
An image querying library based on filenames and folders.
uxcore-image component for uxcore.
upload files and get information back to user
Use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls
- Windows
- UI
- Xaml
- Controls
- BackClickEventArgs
- DragItemsStartingEventArgs
- NotifyEventArgs
- SemanticZoomViewChangedEventArgs
- TextControlPasteEventArgs
- ContainerContentChangingEventArgs
- IInsertionPanel
- IItemContainerMapping
- INavigate
- View more
jsHarmony Image Extension for Sharp libvips
Screenshot testing in browser.
- Test
- Testing
- Matcher
- Assert
- Assertion
- Screenshot
- Image
- Comparison
- Difference
- Diff
- Browser
- Puppeteer
- TypeScript
React Package Image Lazy Load
- React
- Image
- Lazy
- load
- img
- lazy-load-images
- react-lazy-load
- react-component
- lazyload
- lazyloading
- lazy-loading
- lazyload-images
A utility for optimizing images and converting to WebP
Vue-Pretty-Box is a powerful library designed specifically for VueJS 3, providing enhanced image viewing capabilities within your Vue applications. This versatile library allows you to effortlessly integrate zoom functionality for both single images and i
generate avatar with Letters or Initials ex. Michael Marshall --> MM
This package is an implementation of a UI rounded image as BaseMeshEffect. It uses additionnal channels of UI Canvas (TexCoord1 and TexCoord2) to pass rounded informations to the shader.
The best react native image cache wrapper - kosac folk
An Angular lib to show an image with variable ratio in container with a fixed ratio.