
  • Flitter: A high-performance JavaScript rendering engine and framework inspired by Flutter. Features declarative programming, SVG and Canvas support, and optimized for complex data visualizations, interactive charts, and graphic editors in web applications

    published version 2.1.0, 6 days ago
  • Flitter-React is a library designed to simplify the integration of Flitter, a widget-based SVG manipulation framework, with React applications. It enables developers to easily incorporate Flitter's declarative, Flutter-like syntax for data visualization w

    published version 0.0.8, 7 months ago
  • Flitter-Svelte is a library designed to simplify the integration of Flitter, a widget-based SVG manipulation framework, with Svelte applications. It enables developers to easily incorporate Flitter's declarative, Flutter-like syntax for data visualization

    published version 2.0.0-alpha.2, 6 months ago
  • A chart library built with the flitter library, designed as a universal framework compatible with both Svelte and React.

    published version 0.0.9, 7 months ago
  • Highly customizable chart library built on top of Flitter framework

    published version 0.0.8, 7 days ago
  • A utility for optimizing images and converting to WebP

    published version 0.1.1, 8 days ago