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477 packages found
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word wraps and lays out Opentype.js glyphs
Computes Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients between one or more numeric arrays.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- variance
- covariance
- sample
- population
- covariance matrix
- cov
- var
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Negative infinity.
- const
- constant
- const-io
- compute-io
- computation
- compute
- mathematics
- math
- ninf
- negative
- infinity
- float32
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Positive infinity.
- const
- constant
- const-io
- compute-io
- computation
- compute
- mathematics
- math
- pinf
- positive
- infinity
- float32
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Returns a string giving the literal bit representation of a single-precision floating-point number.
- compute-io
- compute
- computation
- math-io
- math
- mathematics
- number
- binary
- bin
- bits
- float32
- single
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Evaluates a polynomial.
Computes the sample excess kurtosis of an array of values.
Node-RED nodes for Google Cloud Platform
- node-red
- cloud
- pubsub
- publish
- subscribe
- gcs
- stackdriver
- vision
- sentiment
- speech
- dlp
- translate
- BigQuery
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Computation library.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- geometry
- trigonometry
- linear algebra
- discrete
- set
- information theory
- statistics
- stats
- utilities
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Computes quantiles for numeric array.
Complementary error function.
- compute
- computation
- statistics
- stats
- error function
- erf
- complementary
- erfc
- mathematics
- math
- matrix
- matrices
- array
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Error function.
- compute
- computation
- erf
- error function
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- matrices
- matrix
- dstructs
- array
- arrays
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Inverse error function.
- compute
- computation
- statistics
- stats
- erf
- inverse error function
- error function
- erfinv
- mathematics
- math
- matrix
- matrices
- array
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Computes the variance.
- compute
- computation
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- variance
- sample variance
- stdev
- spread
- array
- numeric array
- population
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Computes the Hamming distance between two sequences.
- compute
- computation
- hamming
- distance
- similarity
- information theory
- mathematics
- math
- array
- string
- dist
- information
- overlap
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Flattens an array.
- compute
- computation
- utils
- utilities
- flatten
- linearize
- flat
- array
- vector
- matrix
- reshape
- analysis
- data
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Computes the arithmetic mean.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- mean
- average
- avg
- arithmetic
- array
- matrix
- matrices
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Inverse complementary error function.
- compute
- computation
- erf
- error function
- erfc
- complementary
- error
- function
- erfcinv
- inverse
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
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Computes a moving arithmetic mean over an array.
- compute
- computation
- mathematics
- math
- statistics
- stats
- timeseries
- arithmetic
- mean
- moving
- window
- array
- average
Generates a logarithmically spaced numeric array.