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Cordova/Quasar/Capacitor Plugin Admob Android IOS
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- javascript
- admob
- cordova-plugin-admob
- cordova-admob-free
- cordova-admob-plus
- admob-plus-cordova
- cordova-admob-pro
- cordova-admob-ios
- cordova-admob-android
- capacitor
- capacitor-admob
- capacitor-android
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Tool for Server Certificate Validation
A RPG Maker MV/MZ game player for Linux on your browser
Oauth V2 client based on axios
7-Zip full feature precompiled binaries
Client API library for the Ardor Blockchain
Offline vector maps in Capacitor using MapLibre GL JS based on mapbox-gl-cordova-offline by Oscar Fonts
Javascript client to interact with the world-white-web client
Bundle module for
new idea of cryptoart
Render safe JSON-LD script tags using React
Cordova Html5Video Plugin
Sync templates over ftp
Backup and Update Tool - Node.Js module for backuping, restoring and updating files with Yandex.Disk.
UI elements for tarte-tatin
Transform canonical URLs into AMP Cache URLs
> TODO: description
Fast and beautiful class system
Module-friendly fork of object-assign, an ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill