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Tinypng without "Too many files uploaded at once" limit
Auth0 SDK for React Single Page Applications (SPA)
- auth0
- login
- Authorization Code Grant Flow
- Single Page Application authentication
- SPA authentication
- react
> TODO: description
Generating the QR code in the form of Base64
表单设计器 Mobile
- 表单设计器
- @form-create
- form-builder
- form-designer
- draggable
- form
- components
- vue3
- element-ui
- json-form
- dynamic-form
印客学院 Git规范
- postcss-px-to-viewport-8-plugin
- postcss-px-to-viewport-8-with-include
- viewport
- postcss
- postcss-plugin
- css
- px
- vw
- vh
- vmin
- vmax
Cordova Geolocation Plugin,use Baidu Map SDK
Decode JWT tokens, mostly useful for browser applications.
由于 watermark-dom 作者不维护 issue 和 pr 只好自行维护。
学术头条 202008-202010
码农村nodejs类库,完成解决回调陷阱,配置框架,IOC框架,统一多DB访问框架,可扩展日志框架和io/db/net/thread/pool 克隆表达式,加解密算法等等一系列基础类库和算法的实现
Library to retrieve RSA public keys from a JWKS endpoint
<br /> <br /> <div style="text-align:center"> <b style="font-size:30px">@ued_fpi/element-plus-expand</b> <p>基于Vite4+TypeScript的Vue3组件库开发框架</p> <img style="display:inline" src="" />
Tav UI