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The AXUI front-end framework is built on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript standards, with TypeScript used for type management. It has no library dependencies and is designed to meet diverse needs with a focus on design.
Yeoman generator for ExpressJS middleware in ES6 (Requires at least Node 4)
actioncable rewritten in es6 with customizable interface
es6 version of aaditmshah/lexer
Superpowers for your Sails.js Hooks
Create optimized static websites.
A polyfill combinator
A robust & optimized `RegExp.prototype.match` polyfill, based on the ECMAScript 6 specification.
N4JS Runtime Library for ES2015.
A modular emoji picker written with modern front-end in mind.
对 ts, es6, scss, less, css 进行转换,并输出到指定目录
compile es6 code in folders/files
Shim to provide Map, Set, and WeakMap if they're not available, with non-leaky O(1) lookup WeakMaps
An isomorphic JavaScript class for building composite structures. Suitable for use as a super class or mixin.
ES6 import (keyed) with glob patterns (preloader for Webpack)
A robust & optimized `` polyfill, based on the ECMAScript 6 specification.
Functional tools for Javascript
Autoscroll with no opinions.
A sample general-purpose base class for defining custom elements that mixes in some common features: template stamping into a shadow root, automatic node finding, and marshalling between attributes and properties. constants used by components, actions and reducers