
Brandon Benvie

  • A JavaScript library for creating complex objects and properties, intuitively.

    published version 0.0.8, 13 years ago
  • A Proxy handler maker that drastically simplifies making and using Harmony Proxies by combining traps and normalizing their arguments.

    published version 0.0.8, 13 years ago
  • Read font file data in javascript using buffers.

    published version 0.0.4, 13 years ago
  • JS Binary Data API. Structs, arrays, bitfields, and numbers. Reify and Reference like nobody's business.

    published version 0.2.4, 13 years ago
  • A combination of DataView, node Buffer, and ArrayBuffers into one powerful tool using Proxies

    published version 0.0.7, 13 years ago
  • Load scripts and run them in a context. For both browsers and node, sync and async.

    published version 0.1.1, 13 years ago
  • Experimental hacky tools and wrappers for easing node-ffi usage and generating bindings.

    published version 0.0.9, 13 years ago
  • A lib for easily translating and manipulating colors and sets of colors centered around xterm-256 pallette

    published version 0.1.1, 13 years ago
  • A falsey object that returns itself for all properties and when invoked.

    published version 0.0.7, 13 years ago
  • Utilities and patterns for using Harmony Proxies to meta-program. Proxies as Proxy handlers, catch all forwarders for catch all forwarders, intercession introspection. Now you're thinking with portals.

    published version 0.2.7, 13 years ago
  • High quality keybinding library

    published version 0.0.1, 13 years ago
  • A high quality mouse event binding library that treats the mouse like a first class citizen object.

    published version 0.0.1, 13 years ago
  • AppJS is a SDK on top of nodejs to develop desktop applications using HTML/CSS/JS

    published version 0.0.17, 13 years ago
  • AppJS is a SDK on top of nodejs to develop desktop applications using HTML/CSS/JS

    published version 0.0.19, 13 years ago
  • Useful IDLs (DOM4, HTML5) converted into JSON and mapped to JavaScript types

    published version 0.0.2, 13 years ago
  • A parser for WebIDL and WICDA

    published version 0.1.0, 13 years ago
  • Make objects show you their O-face

    published version 0.0.9, 13 years ago
  • Observable arrays with live data binding, callbacks for data transformation, and callbacks for any modification

    published version 0.0.5, 13 years ago
  • Queue, Stack, LinkedList implemented using Maps

    published version 0.0.9, 12 years ago
  • Shim for WeakMap with non-leaky O(1) lookup time

    published version 0.0.6, 12 years ago
  • A JavaScript (ES6) bytecode virtual machine written in JavaScript

    published version 0.3.5, 12 years ago
  • A standardized 'then' Symbol.

    published version 0.0.1, 12 years ago
  • Starting with Node's built in REPL, add in a completely redone inspect formatter, actual functioning separate V8 contexts, keybindings to create, switch, and delete between them, combine it with a bunch of color. ULTRA REPL.

    published version 1.0.0, 12 years ago
  • Shim to provide Map, Set, and WeakMap if they're not available, with non-leaky O(1) lookup WeakMaps

    published version 0.3.8, 12 years ago