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Analyse Japanese Furigana from key input history
Lightbox Photo Grid and Slideshow component for Vue.Js
Paranoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).
- pangu
- text-spacing
- spacing
- text
- html
- typesetting
- readability
- cli
- chinese
- japanese
- korean
- obsessive-compulsive-disorder
- ocd
- paranoia
Quill Rich Text Editor component for Vue.js
- vue-quill-editor
- v-quill-editor
- vue quill editor
- vue bubble editor
- vue editor
- vue WYSIWYG editor
- WYSIWYG editor
- Rich Text Editor
- Vue Rich Text Editor
- vue quill
- bubble editor
Vue Markdown Editor component for Vue.js
- vue markdown editor
- markdown editor
- mardown editor vue
- vue markdown
- vue-markdown
- markdown-editor
- vue markdown componenet
- vuejs markdown editor
- bootstrap markdown editor
A pre-flop and post-flop odds calculator for Texas Holdem
This is a component for Vue.js to utilize YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Coub iframe embed API easily.
- vue video embed
- vue youtube embed
- vue vimeo embed
- vue embed
- vue dailymotion embed
- vue coub embed
- vue youku embed
Smooth Scrollbar directive for Vue.js
- vue smooth scrollbar
- smooth scrollbar
- scrollbar
- vue scrollbar
- vue scrollbar directive
- vue-scrollbar
- v-scrollbar
- v-smooth-scrollbar
Check easy-to-read Keishikimeishi(formal nouns) written in Hiragana than Kanji.
AngularJS virtual scrolling module
- angular
- angularjs
- angular.ui
- angular-ui
- ui.scroll
- ui-scroll
- angular-ui-scroll
- virtual
- unlimited
- infinite
- live
- perpetual
- scroll
- scroller
Perfect Scrollbar directive for Vue.js
- vue perfect scrollbar
- perfect scrollbar
- scrollbar
- vue scrollbar
- vue scrollbar directive
- vue-scrollbar
- v-scrollbar
- v-perfect-scrollbar
Check easy-to-read Keishikimeishi(formal nouns) written in Hiragana than Kanji.
W(ei)X(in) -- (minimalist) WeChat Middleware for Express.js
Ken All は、郵便番号で住所を検索できる npm パッケージです。
get some cool ascii faces ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ