L10n component can be used in one of two ways: Translating Paprika components, or Translating your own components.
published version 2.1.1, 10 months agoHelpers and includes for styled-components
published version 1.1.10, 2 years agoHeading component provides different level of headings with various stylings such as divides, underline, light or hidden.
published version 1.0.18, 2 years agoRaw button component, for performing an action on the page you’re viewing.
published version 1.0.17, 2 years agoSpinner component tells the user that the app is doing something.
published version 1.0.21, 2 years agoPopover component renders an overlay of content anchored to a trigger button (or specific positioning element). It can be triggered by click (or keypress), by hover (or keyboard focus – as a tooltip), or programatically
published version 2.0.10, 2 years agoIcon component is a graphic to represent something else
published version 3.0.1, 2 years agoButton component, for performing an action on the page you’re viewing.
published version 1.1.18, 2 years agoThe Select component is a styled select drop-down form input that can be used as a controlled or uncontrolled component.
published version 2.0.17, 2 years agoThe Textarea component is a standard multiline text input with some enhancements that can be used as a controlled or uncontrolled component.
published version 3.0.13, 2 years agoThe Input component is a standard text input with some enhancements that can be used as a controlled or uncontrolled component.
published version 7.0.1, 10 months agoSwitch component for turning a setting on or off.
published version 1.0.23, 2 years agoSortable component creates a vertical list of items, that can be re-ordered with a mouse via dragging and dropping, or with the keyboard
published version 4.0.1, 10 months agoDEPRECATED - The Panel component provides a view that slides in from one side so the user can maintain context of their main task while they work on a sub task.
published version 0.4.23, 4 years agoDEPRECATED - The ListBox component allows users to select one or more options from a list contained within the component
published version 0.9.16, 4 years agoDatePicker component allows user to view and specify a date through an entry field or a calendar widget.
published version 5.0.1, 10 months agoCollapsible component, allows the user to expand and collapse some enclosed content.
published version 4.0.1, 10 months agoA controlled component that has checkable groups of checkable items. Checking the parent checks all of the children.
published version 1.0.36, 10 months agoFormElement component displays a user input field
published version 7.0.1, 10 months agoThe ProgressAccordion component is a progress bar in a collapsible accordion format.
published version 4.0.1, 10 months agoDEPRECATED - DropdownMenu component displays a trigger button, which when clicked displays a list of items in a dropdown menu format. These items can be raw content, Links or actions such as Delete, which will prompt a confirmation panel to be displayed.
published version 2.0.48, 4 years agoTabs component displays tabs with panels associated with each tab
published version 2.3.11, 2 years agoGuard component helps to prevent a user from losing unsaved data
published version 1.0.2, 2 years ago