Given a DOM node, return a unique CSS selector matching only that element
published version 0.5.0, 4 years agoPerformance measurment plugin for gulp based on Phantomas
published version 2.4.2, 6 years agoGrunt plugin to generate robot.txt based on angular paths
published version 0.0.1, 10 years agoMeasure the time that actions needs to change the state
published version 1.2.2, 8 years agoLoad Sass/Css file and use them as inline css
published version 1.0.4, 7 years agoAngular 2 Click Outside Directive
published version 1.1.5, 8 years agoAngular2 directive to get the dimensions of an Element, even if it change during time
published version 1.1.0, 8 years agoAngular 2 Image Lazy Load Directive
published version 1.1.1, 8 years agoEslint config to use over all mycs projects
published version 2.0.0, 8 years agoPostCSS plugin which sorts css properties alphabetically
published version 1.1.1, 8 years agoPerformance budget plugin for Webpack
published version 1.2.1, 8 years agoHoC providing info about the network conditions
published version 1.2.4, 6 years agoShare button that is using the Web Share API with fallback for browsers that do not support it
published version 1.0.1, 7 years agoRescale a value of an array of values in [0, 1]
published version 1.0.1, 7 years agoNormalize a value of an array of values in [0, 1]
published version 1.0.1, 7 years agoreact intersection visible hook for react
published version 1.4.2, 6 years ago