
Michael Di Prisco
  • Generate Graphql schema based on existing relational database

    published version 0.13.3, 6 months ago
  • Parcel plugin to support data-srcset, data-src, data-bg and data-background-image

    published version 0.0.1, 5 years ago
  • A simple event bus for in-browser usage. Compatible with ESM.

    published version 1.1.2, 2 years ago
  • A simple collection of React Hooks made for personal use, just for testing and experimenting.

    published version 0.1.12, 2 years ago
  • A simple event bus for in-browser usage inspired by Node.js Event Emitter API. Compatible with ESM.

    published version 0.0.4, 2 years ago
  • A simple in-memory time-based cache for both objects and function execution.

    published version 0.1.1, 2 years ago
  • A low footprint function which takes another function as an input and caches the result of that function based on given arguments.

    published version 1.0.0, 2 years ago
  • An in-memory key-value cache for function execution. For every function, you can define a key or a set of keys and an additional array of dependencies to provide dependency-based invalidation. The library provides many functionalities, such as:

    published version 0.6.3, a year ago
  • A re-implementation of the Map object that expires entries after a specified time.

    published version 0.1.4, 2 years ago
  • This is a function which returns a simple EventEmitter. It is a simpler implementation of the EventEmitter class from NodeJS. It is not meant to be a replacement for the NodeJS EventEmitter, but rather a simple alternative for those who don't want to

    published version 0.1.2, a year ago
  • This is a zero dependency package that provides some expirable implementations of common Data Structures.

    published version 1.2.2, 2 years ago
  • This is a zero-dependency and low-footprint library that allows you to pack a set of asynchronous tasks and execute them in a controlled way. It allows you to execute those tasks in time-based intervals or in size-based chunks.

    published version 1.1.4, a year ago
  • This is a zero dependency package that provides some expirable implementations of common Data Structures.

    published version 1.7.1, 10 months ago
  • A library which provides pre-execution and post-execution hooks both as a decorator and as a higher-order function.

    published version 1.0.6, a year ago
  • A higher-order function to provide an A/B testing mechanism with multiple weights.

    published version 2.0.2, a year ago
  • A higher-order function to provide a Feature Flag mechanism.

    published version 2.0.2, a year ago
  • A higher-order function to provide a Rate Limiting mechanism to the given function.

    published version 1.2.3, a year ago
  • A Worker Thread spawner for Node.js with a simple API.

    published version 2.0.2, a year ago
  • A simple higher-order function allowing execution to be repeated until a condition is satisfied or a limit is reached.

    published version 1.0.2, a year ago
  • A library providing a simple way of accessing a database and moving soft deleted rows to automatically generated tables and prevent performance erosion.

    published version 2.0.0, a year ago
  • A library allowing a function or a class method to forcibly return a specified value.

    published version 1.0.5, a year ago
  • Zero CPU overhead, zero dependency, true event-loop blocking sleep. Based on the abandoned atomic-sleep project.

    published version 1.0.2, 2 years ago
  • This is a library for versioning given events. It's used to ensure that we are able to monitor the number of iterations of a given event and to ensure that we can re-build the original order.

    published version 1.0.3, 2 years ago
  • This is a library allowing to create reactive objects. Given an object, it will return a new object with the same properties but with the ability to react to changes in the original object.

    published version 2.1.2, 2 years ago
  • This is a library providing both a higher-order function and a decorator that can be used to measure the performance of a function. It can be used both with `sync` and `async` functions.

    published version 0.2.4, 2 years ago
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