A simple, extensible, and dependecy free audio synthesizer library that leverages WebAudio, WebMidi, and IndexedDB, and allows for custom instruments using samples or oscillators.
published version 0.0.10, a year agoA single-file custom-element that exposes an Update and Render loop, manages players along with their inputs, and will adjust a child `canvas` element to fit the element's width and height.
published version 0.0.11, 10 months agoA collection of objects and utility functions for organizing and managing common functionality used in games, written in Typescript.
published version 0.0.3, 10 months agoA custom html element that adds a remove button to its children and removes the child when the button is pressed
published version 0.0.10, a month agoA custom html element that adds browser chrome around its content to simulate the appearance of a browser in a document.
published version 1.1.1, a month agoA custom html element that routes to pages based on its path attribute
published version 0.2.8, a month agoA custom html element that represents a task and provides an api for task properties.
published version 0.0.15, 7 days agoA custom html element that provides sorting and management for custom task-card elements.
published version 0.0.14, 9 days agoA custom html element that provides layout and management for custom task-list elements.
published version 0.0.3, a month agoA custom html element that makes all of its child elements selectable by clicking on them.
published version 0.0.7, 11 days agoA custom html element that displays an image or icon with a caption and interactive components.
published version 0.0.3, 2 months agoA custom html element that provides a selection gallery as a dialog, to mimic an os-native file browser.
published version 0.0.3, 11 days agoA custom html element that that provides a query input to filter a collection of html elements.
published version 0.0.4, 2 months agoA custom file input element that accepts a file and provides a simple preview for common file value use-cases.
published version 0.0.4, 25 days agoA custom html element that wraps inputs with a practical layout and common interaction functionality.
published version 0.0.6, 25 days agoA custom html input element that accepts an image and provides a simple preview for common image value use-cases.
published version 0.0.4, 25 days agoA custom html element that renders javascript objects as a collapsible tree-like structure of nested detail elements.
published version 0.0.4, 14 days agoA custom html element that provides a layout and display functionality for a notification-like message.
published version 0.0.3, 16 days agoA custom html element that documents user actions in the DOM and provides functionality for navigating the history of those actions.
published version 0.0.3, 2 months agoA custom html input element that accepts a file or an image and provides a simple preview for common image value use-cases.
published version 0.0.2, 15 days ago