Easily reveal or hide password field contents via JavaScript or a nifty inner toggle button. Supports touch quite nicely!
published version 2.0.4, 10 years agoEasily reveal or hide password field contents via JavaScript or a nifty inner toggle button. Supports touch quite nicely!
published version 2.2.0, 5 years agoYeoman generator for Drizzle-based projects
published version 0.0.2, 9 years agoGulp tasks used for various Cloud Four projects.
published version 2.5.0, 6 years agoHandlebars helpers used for various Cloud Four projects.
published version 0.11.0, 6 years agoCloud Four's shareable ESLint configuration
published version 24.0.0, 4 months agoCloud Four's shareable ESLint configuration
published version 23.0.0, 2 years agoCloud Four's stylelint config
published version 10.0.0, a year agoCloud Four's stylelint config + SUIT naming
published version 10.0.0, a year agoA JavaScript utility to help you use CSS transitions when showing and hiding elements with the `hidden` attribute.
published version 2.0.2, 5 years agoA very simple placeholder image generator with zero dependencies. Returns a data URI (or raw SVG source) as a string for use in templates.
published version 1.1.0, 2 years agoFront-end patterns for cloudfour.com
published version 17.0.0, a month agoA tiny, zero-dependency web component for comparing two images using a slider. Built with a focus on accessibility, performance, and progressive enhancement.
published version 1.0.5, 3 years agoA web component for progressively-enhanced auto-expanding textareas
published version 1.0.7, 3 years agoThis is the [Twing](https://gitlab.com/nightlycommit/twing) library ([Twig](https://twig.symfony.com/) templating in Node), but bundled as ESM for browser use. Twing already comes with a browser distribution, but it doesn't work in a browser without node
published version 5.1.1, 3 years agoA lazy-loaded model-viewer web component
published version 2.0.0, a year ago