
  • get data with dot notation

    published version 0.2.9, 7 years ago
  • run add handlers in all actions serverless framework

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  • AWS Event mocks like SNS, S3, ect.

    published version 0.0.0, 7 years ago
  • <h1 align="center"> <img width="40" valign="bottom" src=""> ngx-error </h1> <h4 align="center">A declarative validation errors module for reactive forms.</h4>

    published version 0.0.1, 7 years ago
  • Linkedin authentication for angular 6 / 7

    published version 0.0.6, 6 years ago
  • ## Project setup ``` yarn install ```

    published version 1.2.0-alpha, 6 years ago
  • Eslint rules for nestjs projects

    published version 1.6.0, 3 years ago
  • n8n node for nats

    published version 0.2.7, 2 years ago
  • A Transactional Method Decorator for mikroorm that uses cls-hooked to handle and propagate transactions between different repositories and service methods. Inpired by Spring Trasnactional Annotation and Sequelize CLS

    published version 0.0.2, a year ago
  • Awesome NestJS Schematics, designed and developed for Awesome Nest Boilerplate

    published version 10.1.1, a month ago