MAG Core Platform meta-package with all base applications.
published 5.5.0-r20181009140224 6 years ago2048 is one of the world’s most popular puzzles. The rules are simple: you need to shuffle all the bars to one side of the game field. Your goal is to reach 2048.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoExplorer application for Ministra TV Platform.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoKaraoke application for Ministra TV Platform.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoMemory is a game for memory development. Find out how much time you need to open all the matching cards.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoRadio application for Ministra TV Platform.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoSettigns application for magcore platform.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoSudoku is a well-known Japanese puzzle. You need to fill all the cells the way there won't be the same two numbers in each row, column or block.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoWatch TV shows, movies, tv series, news, and educational programs in digital quality.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoWeather application for Ministra TV Platform.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoOSD for access control for MAGCORE platform.
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years agoBase osd application, volume widget, mute widget, notifications
published 5.6.11-7e85abf 2 years ago