Precompile Underscore templates to JST file
published version 2.0.0, 4 years agoA Simple Service Bus For Backbone and Backbone.Marionette
published version 1.4.0, 8 years agoGenerates a list of the functions and symbols that KaTeX supports.
published version 0.1.0, 10 years agoConvert a unicode string to a string of Javascript escape sequences.
published version 0.1.0, 10 years agoInternal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib projects
published version 9.1.0, 6 months agoRun jasmine specs headlessly through Headless Chrome
published version 4.0.0, 2 years agoMessaging patterns for Backbone applications.
published version 2.0.0, 8 years agoSimple declarative route configuration for Express without leaky abstractions.
published version 2.1.0, 10 years agoFind the nearest value of a discrete periodic function, given a point.
published version 1.2.0, 10 years agoA basic cookie-based client-side auth service for Backbone apps.
published version 1.0.0, 10 years agoAggregate consecutive segments by their events.
published version 0.1.1, 10 years agoFind how many values of a discrete periodic function are contained in an interval.
published version 1.0.0, 10 years ago