- published version 1.0.0, 8 years ago
- published version 1.0.0, 8 years ago
Serve, build and test react applications.
published version 1.1.4, 7 years agoA Javascript library for working with Verifiable Credentials, DIDs, Claim Deduction and more. Built with PolkadotJS, for use with the [Dock Substrate Node](https://github.com/docknetwork/dock-substrate) or our public main/test networks.
published version 9.2.1, 5 months agoThis wallet is intended to implement the universl wallet W3C spec for storing credentials, keys, dids and more JSON-LD documents. It comes bundled with some storage interfaces, supports EDVs and is in use by the Dock Wallet app. Check the [examples](./exa
published version 0.3.0, 2 years agoAn implementation of BBS, BBS+ signatures, PS signatures, bilinear map accumulators, verifiable encryption, range proof and composite proof using rust compiled to wasm. This project started as fork of @mattrglobal/bbs-signatures
published version 0.33.0, 7 months agoTypescript abstractions over Dock's Rust crypto library's WASM wrapper
published version 0.67.0, a month agoRender pretty verifiable credentials
published version 1.3.17, 2 months agoMaterial UI theme, fields and widgets for react-jsonschema-form
published version 3.2.3, 3 years ago- published version 0.1.0, 3 years ago
This wallet is intended to implement the universl wallet W3C spec for storing credentials, keys, dids and more JSON-LD documents. It comes bundled with some storage interfaces, supports EDVs and is in use by the Dock Wallet app. Check the [examples](./exa
published version 2.1.1, 5 months agoMinimal encryption/decryption JWE library.
published version 5.2.1, 2 years ago- published version 0.0.1, 2 years ago
- published version 0.0.1, 2 years ago
The Dock Wallet SDK provides all the required functions to build a PolkaDot Wallet on top of a [Universal Wallet 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/universal-wallet-interop-spec/) document storage. It supports both Node.js and React Native.
published version 1.4.0, 2 months ago- published version 1.4.0, 2 months ago
- published version 1.4.0, 2 months ago
Manager for JSON-LD Verifiable Credential that conforms to the [W3C VCDM specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/). The type values and subject properties must be represented by a schema URI in the context property. You can read more about JSON
published version 0.4.19, 10 months agoDID stands for Decentralized IDentifiers. DIDs are meant to be globally unique identifiers that allow their owner to prove cryptographic control over them. A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc
published version 1.4.0, 2 months agoUsing [polkadot-js](https://polkadot.js.org/) libraries in React Native is a challenge, due to a lack of WebAssembly support.
published version 0.4.19, 10 months ago- published version 1.4.1, 2 months ago