Deployment system.
Stream a file to a client.
Loggers are stupid and I'm resentful that I had to write this.
`reg` is a package manager for native ES Modules. It's built to enable dependency management for Universal JavaScript (JavaScript that can run in the Browser and in Node.js w/o a compiler).
Background task state machines on top of CouchDB.
XHR polling as streams
Round Robin proxy/balancer for the stud TLS terminator
Streaming parsers for the github archive.
Simple and extensible logging.
A client that stores data in both CouchDB and Redis.
Hash a string to an accessible port. Prone to duplicates.
Require different values in a web browser.
A programmable database with document storage and unique indexing capabilities.
Simplified file library.
Wrapper around to send and receive JSON objects.
Rooms for servers.
Sync changes to named stores via
Concatenates the stacks of an error object.
Fault tolerant CouchDB changes watcher.
Cleanup handling for domains.
Least possible things you have to output for tap cause fuck frameworks.
Find an open port to listen on.
Launch child processes for services that bind to a specified port.
Minimalist localStorage database API. Works well as a cache for CouchDB documents.
All the packages you'll need for NodeConf!