- published version 0.0.63, 5 years ago
This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/pages) feature using markdown files as the data source.
published version 1.0.0, 5 years agoThis package provides helpers for setting up TinaCMS to use the Contentful API, with Contentful authentication.
published version 0.1.9, 5 years agoThis package should be moved into another repo
published version 0.1.8, 5 years ago- published version 0.5.0, 4 years ago
Create Serverless Stack apps.
published version 0.35.1-next.2, 4 years agoA CLI to help deploy Serverless Stack apps.
published version 0.35.1-next.2, 4 years agoHelper AWS CDK constructs for Serverless Stack apps.
published version 0.35.1-next.2, 4 years agoA simple CLI that allows your static site to load the environment variables from your SST app.
published version 0.35.1-next.2, 4 years ago