Brain-Responsive Web Apps with JavaScript
published version 0.0.29, 4 years agoCapture breathing with your microphone on the web!
published version 0.0.2, 3 years agoCreate arbitrary biquad filters to apply to signals. Created for real time biosensing, works in most general cases.
published version 1.1.0, a year agoDynamic particle rendering. Make groups of particles and set custom rulesets. Comes with efficient boids (3.2K rendered in a canvas @60fps) and a toggleable default canvas renderer built in for quick testing.
published version 0.0.16, 3 years agoWrapper for gpujs (with a stable slightly edited gpu.js source file) with a bunch of premade functions for use or demonstration. The main show here is bulk GPU FFTs which run REALLY fast.
published version 1.0.15, a year agoCreates arbitrary event listeners that you can use to watch for changes in an object and fire event subscriptions
published version 1.0.5, 3 years agoVery flexible, performant, simple state management for managing a lot of rapid changes and various scenarios. Great for low overhead event management of game inputs and data streams.
published version 1.1.0, 3 years agoWeb component wrapper class with additional utilities for easier rendering logic controls. Uses document fragments that can be re-rendered more quickly
published version 1.1.11, 3 years agoA bundle of web worker management utilities for single script pipeline creation. Includes events, messagechannels, automatic typedarray transfer (especially for passing large datasets between workers), and canvas with input proxies, gpujs functions with g
published version 1.1.10, 3 years agoData Structures plus some useful classes for data manipulation
published version 0.0.49, 2 years ago* Step 1 Install * Step 2 Import CSS
published version 0.1.30, 3 years agoSimple script tree sequencer in javascript. Allows creating fairly complex trees of sync/async functions or requestAnimationFrame functions with optional delays, as well as subscribing to particular outputs in the tree at any time.
published version 0.1.9, 3 years agoIndexedDB (via BrowserFS), CSV, and Google Drive tools for Brainsatplay data
published version 0.0.19, 3 years agowebgl-plot wrapper for quickly making stacked time series.
published version 0.4.3, 6 months agoBarebones esbuild and test node server implementation. For building
published version 0.3.0, 4 months agoEasy node tree graphs for creating DAGs i.e. any arbitrary node tree with forward and backpropagation, repeaters, etc. for chaining scripts and scopes e.g. for game systems.
published version 0.3.15, 3 years agoWeb component wrapper class with additional utilities for easier rendering logic controls. Uses document fragments that can be re-rendered more quickly
published version 1.3.22, 2 years agoBarebones esbuild and test node server implementation. For building
published version 2.3.3, 2 months agoWeb components built on the acyclicgraph lib
published version 1.0.19, 3 years agoVersatile esbuild configuration with custom plugins + node hotreloading for a lightweight and frustration-free web development experience.
published version 0.10.61, 3 months agoComprehensive acyclic-graph based application architecture with microservices and networking
published version 0.3.12, 9 months agoComprehensive acyclic-graph based application architecture with microservices and networking
published version 0.3.33, 4 months agomuse-js with just MuseClient bundled for more minimal include size (187kb, mostly due to rxjs)
published version 1.0.0, 2 years ago