An opinionated framework to help you impress your clients with all the latest buzzwords.
Automatically requires source for a module/project, provided you follow a convention.
WCT plugin that enables support for local browsers via Selenium
published version 2.1.7, 3 years agoWCT plugin that enables support for sauce browsers via Sauce Labs
published version 2.1.0, 7 years agoweb-component-tester makes testing your web components a breeze!
published version 6.9.2, 6 years agoCommon configuration for Polymer node projects. Sets up static analysis, testing and more.
published version 0.1.2, 10 years agoServes static files according to a waterfall of URL to file mappings
published version 1.1.1, 10 years agoreact-addons-update except that it will fill in object paths that are missing.
published version 1.3.4, 9 years agoLike Redux's combineReducers, but more better!
published version 1.1.0, 9 years agoTakes a mostly unique string and ensures that it is globally unique.
published version 1.1.0, 9 years ago