## 描述 此为`vue.js`版滚动导航组件,实现 - 滚动时,根据滚动距离判断当前内容所属哪个导航 - 点击导航,页面滚动到内容对应位置 - 可控制导航栏是否吸附固定,如吸顶效果,即滚动一定距离后,导航栏固定起来,不会被滚动出可视区域 - 可用在页面任何位置上,不一定是顶部导航这种简单应用哦,可以复杂型应用 - 在浏览器支持下,可以采用`position: sticky`方式实现固定
published version 0.3.5, 4 years ago[Change Log](https://github.com/pekonchan/ScrollDiv/wiki/Change-Log)
published version 1.3.6, 4 years agoThis is a tools to help you work i18n automatically in webpack. It includs two part: plugin and loader
published version 0.5.5, 5 months agoThis is a tool that collects terms from javascript files that need to be internationalized according to specific rules. The collected terms are generated into json files in each language.
published version 1.2.0, a year agoThis is a tools to help you work i18n automatically in rollup or vite.
published version 0.1.6, 5 months agoThe postcss plugin to change the css selector prefix namespace
published version 0.1.3, a year agoA js loader to change element class prefix
published version 0.1.1, a year agoThe plugin for vue-devtools to modify the open-in-editor url
published version 1.0.1, 6 days ago