tiny update function for life-like cellular automata
Generates Moore neighborhoods of any range/dimension
Seedable roguelike dungeon generator
Fast purely functional immutable lists.
lightweight rectangle packer
Flexible perfect maze generator
Calculate the Manhattan distance between two points
Generates Von Neumann neighborhoods of any range/dimension
Transform multiple values asynchronously
Converts CSS-style durations to milliseconds.
baggo bags, cannot unbaggo
tiny helper functions for handling axis-aligned bounding boxes
Model tetrominos using minimal data structures
Convert between degrees and radians
Pure functions for deterministically generating pseudorandom numbers
Rename an object's keys using a map
Format minimal tests
Determine if two values are deeply equivalent
Determine if one number is divisible by another
tiny promise-based <img> loader for the browser
Split an <img> into equally-sized parts
Easily read from and write to ImageData instances
Simple keyboard state tracker
create regular polygons with n sides
Helper functions for drawing onto <canvas> elements