Progressive JsonAPI client integration with Nuxt.js
published 1.3.1 6 years agoA lightweight TypeScript library for managing shared state across different components in a React application.
published 1.0.7 2 months agoA small layer between react and @preact/signals-react that allows you to use signals for attributes of native elements and bind some input and textarea properties to signals.
published 0.0.9 13 days agoБиблиотека предоставляет обширный набор утилит для работы с2D-векторами
published 0.2.8 22 days agoA library of decorators and hooks to enhance React components with dependency injection and context management.
published 0.1.5 2 months agoA collection of mathematical utility functions including operations like clamp, lerp, normalize, and more.
published 0.0.9 2 months agoA utility library for creating and managing weakly referenced stores in JavaScript, useful for metadata and auxiliary data management without preventing garbage collection.
published 0.0.9 2 months agoA lightweight TypeScript library for managing event listeners on HTML elements, document, and window.
published 0.0.11 21 days agoA simple project demonstrating drag-and-drop functionality using @vicimpa/easy-drag.
published 0.1.6 2 months agoA lightweight TypeScript library providing utilities for observing intersection and resize events of DOM elements with automatic cleanup.
published 0.0.7 2 months agoБиблиотека для сериализации и десериализации данных с использованием пользовательского протокола
published 0.0.5 2 months agoEfficient library with optimized data serialization.
published 0.0.8 2 months agoA library for creating reactive properties in TypeScript classes using @preact/signals-react
published 0.0.5 13 days ago