
Taras Panasiuk

  • Check if function is an ES5 constructor or an ES6 class.

    published 0.0.1 5 years ago
  • safe and reliable object accumulator

    published 0.3.3 5 years ago
  • common structure to build api client

    published 0.3.0 4 years ago
  • It's a zero-dependency package that exports default function: ```text placeholder(<template>, <data>, <options>) ``` and function with named params: ```text placeholder.replace({ template, data, options }) ``` where: - `template` - some template ( [string

    published 0.2.3 a year ago
  • Returns type of value or object instance. An alternative to typeof operator.

    published 0.0.1 5 months ago
  • Tests to see if the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an value.

    published 0.0.1 5 months ago